КняZz feat. Joe Lynn Turner — STALKER
Санкт-Петербург, 2024
История про выживание в постапокалиптичном Мире от режиссёра Агаты Нигровской
Our 3rd music video for Animal ДжаZ was released in 2023.
Aleksey SMIRNYAGA Smirnov, Sergey PAHOM Pahomov
Location: Moscow
Our new video for the “KnyaZz” band — “Club of Former Alcoholics” (2023)
Director: Lubov Rigolbosh
Location: Saint-Petersburg
Hypocrisy — Chemical Whore
Peter Tagtgren (Pain, Hypocrisy, Lyndemann) в истории — пророчестве.
Съемки этого клипа для культовых шведов проходили в Санкт-Петербургев 2019 году еще до начала пандемии.
Joe Lynn Turner — TORTURED SOUL
Клип для мировой иконы рока Джо Линн Тёрнера — вокалиста Deep Purple и Rainbow, который мы сняли в Санкт-Петербурге в 2022 году
“Lullaby” is a unique and one of our large-scale projects: this music video was filmed in 13 locations, including Paris. 47 people were involved in the shooting process. “Son’s hands” were acted by 7 actors, the youngest of whom was barely a one day old at the time of filming.
Already more than 8 million views on different platforms
Since 2023 NASTROE LTD has officially become an international company.Currently, we operate in Russia and Sri Lanka.
Ready to travel all over the world